Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Section 1.01 Slides released today!

The first slide deck is now available on Slideshare: "Funding Free Culture". Well actually it's about the first third of the first section.

Let the learning begin....

Now what's this all about again?


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thanks to Guagua Pública

I now have a publishing platform for authors.

If it wasn't for the research I've done on GP I would have never been able to piece it together. With, I can now quickly release a new brand using a well defined business processes that multiplies my efficiency. To think this all started with a curiosity in transmedia.

We're all transmedia producers now. We have to be able to tell a consistent story across a variety of mediums (social network systems).

A Journey, Towards Communion

The path ahead is a long one, that's for sure. But I step upon it with boldness. I know exactly what I need to do. I need help and just as I will demonstrate through this project, help is available. Sometimes, it's just as easy as asking for help, but you have to ask.

To ask consistently and with permission, however, requires a platform. That's what "Funding Free Culture," will provide. It'll take countless loops through the build-measure-learn loop, this is just the first.

How many iterations will it take to build a community?  I'll have to get back to you on that one, but I'm sure that working together, we'll get their faster.

"Time, the ameliorator of all our endeavors. Time is an illusion." Todd Rundgren
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Minimum Viable Product

From Eric Ries "The Lean Startup" - Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is the minimum production necessary to adequately confirm assumptions.