Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rebranding the Project Financing Freedom

On March 21, I had the pleasure to spend some time with OSCON Chair Sarah Novotny. I think Sarah and I almost immediately reached rapport, and discovered that we share many observations concerning free culture and FLOSS.

We also took a look at the slides and Sarah had some wonderful ideas, that I think have made the presentation stronger. I make some pretty bold predictions, and Sarah asked if I had any data to support my theories. So I've added them to the slide deck.

I've also decided to rebrand the presentation.  My good friend Marcos Polanco, suggested that "Financing Freedom" was something that he could get behind, so I've added it as the lead for the title.  It will also become the code name for the project, eventually...:-/ (Note: This is a recent decision, so it'll take a while to get it reflected everywhere ;-)

So here's version 0.2 of Financing Freedom:

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