Thursday, June 21, 2012

Collecting, Compiling, & Comparing Foundation Data

"Follow the evidence."
Which foundations raise the most $$$?

I've come to a critical juncture of my class preparation.  One of the things some reviewers expressed interest in seeing was an apples to apples foundation comparison.  So I've already collected the financial data for six popular free culture foundations, now I've got to compile them into a database so I can graph and compare them.

I've seen most of the data when I collected it, but that was only briefly.  I still have to plug everything in and produce the graphs.  I'm certainly hoping the story I saw in the data is confirmed by the data.  I'll borrow Gil Grissom's famous line "Follow the evidence," except in this case it's "Follow the data."

In order for graphs or any type of visual statistical analysis, without the raw data, they are almost meaningless.  Unless I can grab the data and reproduce the graphs myself, it's only a hypothesis.  The evidence, the data,  must agree with the hypothesis.
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